
How to smell great all-day long

I often wander behind girls walking along the street (not in a stalkerish way) and get the waft of their perfume. It always makes me want to be one of those girls that smells good when you stand next to them in the lift (again I’m not a stalker).

But when I do remember to apply some scent, Armani Code being my favourite but Ghost Deep Night what I can actually afford, the smell only lasts until I leave the house.

Before you all say it – I’ve heard the science part about getting used to your own smell, but other people can’t smell it either!

Help is at hand.

Dab a bit of baby oil onto your skin before spraying your perfume and it will take longer to absorb into the skin and give off scent for longer.

This top tip really helps so I expect comments of how sweet I now smell in abundance!